Where has the time gone? These early weeks are flying by as I continue to settle into my new role here at Whistler Blackcomb. My primary focus remains listening, learning and becoming a part of this wonderful community, and I am so incredibly impressed by the passion and commitment of our team here at Whistler Blackcomb. The pace at which we transition operations from skiing on Blackcomb to biking the Fitzsimmons, Garbanzo and Creekside Zone and opening the Peak Chair, Cloudraker Skybridge and Raven’s Eye Lookout; the dedication with which they go about preparing the resort from one season to the next; the respect they have for the environment in which we work and the wildlife that live alongside us in this natural wonderland – I am proud to be a part of a team that cares so deeply about these mountains.

It has also been great to watch the progress our team and contractors are making with construction for the upgrade to Fitzsimmons Express. We are still on track for our planned opening in the 2023/24 ski and ride season. Amidst all of this activity, it’s exciting to watch as the Bike Park team prepares for Crankworx in late July. I can’t wait to take in the live action and excitement – it’ll be my first Crankworx, and I have no doubt it will live up to the hype! All our team members deserve considerable praise as they work together to preserve our summer activity and events programs and build for our future. These efforts extended to Creekside on June 10, as we opened the Creek and Garbanzo Zones. Our team and the Creekside community are keen to create a vibrant place from which you can start and end your day.
While we continue to expand our summer operational footprint, I’ve returned to Australia for a few weeks to finish packing and prepare for my one-way trip back across the Pacific to Whistler. I am excited for this new chapter in such a special place – one that is immersed in natural beauty, with a bounty of activities to enjoy both in the valley and up in the alpine. As the snow melts and the wildflowers emerge, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to now call this place home.
I look forward to my return, to settling in and continuing to learn more about our mountain and our community. I am eager to spend time with the Whistler Blackcomb team, with the people of Whistler and with our First Nations partners. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so much to learn and a lot of listening to do!